Yesterday I read in two separate places that Americans probably don't get enough magnesium. Industrial fertilization causes crops to lose magnesium and food processing wipes out even more. So here's your 2 minute primer on magnesium:
Here's what it takes care of:Nerve function, muscle function (including heart rhythm), immune system, bones, blood sugar, blood pressure, digestion of other nutrients.
Here's where you get it:Halibut, (organic) green veggies, beans and peas, nuts and seeds, unrefined grains, potato skins.
Here's what will happen to you if you don't have enough:The government line from the National Institute of Health:Appetite loss; fatigue, weakness and nausea; muscle contractions and spasms; abnormal heart rhythms.
The alternative health line from Mark Sircus Ac., OMD writing for naturalnews.comAs stated above, plus: migraines and headaches, increased toxicity, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, recurrent bacterial infections, fungal infections, behavioral disorders, pms, mood swings, tooth cavities, hearing loss, diabetes type II (a partial list).
Some researchers also think magnesium is more important than calcium in preventing osteoporosis.
It's unlikely you'll get too much magnesium through diet, but beware that you can get too much if you take supplements.
You're probably smart enough to know, but this 2 minute report is for information only and not to be taken as medical advice.