Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How Green Was My Thumb

Robin Lloyd, senior editor at LiveScience.com had an interesting article on Yahoo News yesterday. It seems the botanical classifications for our produce are not what we commonly think. (http://www.livescience.com/health/080722-fruit-what-is.html if you want to read it for yourself.)

I'm a horrible gardener, but each March I feel compelled to seize the opportunity that it's the one time of year to plant and so I do.

Here's my take on how to tell one botanical plant from another:

- If it died because we got a 90 degree day in April, it was probably a legume.
- If it died because I tripped over it, it was probably a berry.
- If the bugs ate it between the time I planted it and the time I got back with the watering can, it was probably a fruit.
- If it never got planted because there isn't enough room, it was probably a leafy green.

This year I do have a successful stevia crop. Guess that's an herb.

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