On the Bank Meltdown: I can't remember who said this, and as a good journalist I should cite my sources, but then again, this isn't the N&O it's only my blog. So I'll just say the speaker was one of the government figures in this financial mess. He said, and I don't quote, because I can't . . . it is a bad idea to cap bank executive's pay and bonuses because the people who did the damage are already gone, and a cap would hinder the ability to hire new executives. I do remember he used the word "mediocre" as in, we would only be able to attract mediocre talent. I guess mediocre talent isn't as good as high-priced talent; like the high-price talent who bought the country to this brink of financial collapse in the first place? Hmmm.
New in Morrisville: Yesterday we looked at the new "urban" flats at Grace Park. The project was originally intended as condominiums, but was switched over to rentals because of the housing slowdown and a problem with obtaining permits to complete a large project in one swoop. As a result, the model suites were very nice, but, you could see where they cut back. For one thing, an elevator shaft is roughed out, but there will be no elevator. Another thing; the agent said they have the new "acid wash concrete" floors, and said it like that was a good thing. To me it was clearly a way to save money on floor covers over the concrete. It was cold, unattractive and caused her high heels to echo. But apparently it's "the latest". So when did they start acid washing concrete instead of jeans?
In Conclusion:This is why I love my pets. They are my link to nature that I lose in civilization. Even if they understood what the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC say, the news would be meaningless. They don't need to o

wn property and don't care about the latest upscale amenities. They don't get chewed out because they made a political judgement error at work and if they did they wouldn't need an aspirin later at home to fix the headache. Every day when I get home, I'm greeted by the same, happy, natural creatures despite what happened to me during the time I was away. So tonight, let's all drink a toast to our pets, and give them an extra treat for being nature's perfect barometers of what's really important.
(Photo courtesy of Betty France Photography http://www.mwt.net/~bbfrance/)
Right now the pets are the only sanity in the household, except for the fact I have 3 girls in varying stages of being in season, one at one week, one at 2 days, and one just starting to come in.
Therefore all 3 boys have lost their brains. :(
> Therefore all 3 boys have lost their brains. :(
They're boys -- how can you tell? :-)
Lynn wrote: So tonight, let's all drink a toast to our pets, and give them an extra treat for being nature's perfect barometers of what's really important.
Marian responds: Hear, hear! (As I type this note, my beloved Rodney is laying at my feet, in the ultimate of mellow moods.
Shana tova, Lynn!
Sincerely, - Mair
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