Thursday, July 10, 2008

Where's my road?

UPDATE - July 16
I have heard back through the Morrisville Commissioner whom I contacted that the money rumor is not true. The Town Manager wrote: "Bond proceeds never actually get comingled (sic) with the General Fund." He said audits were also done by the lenders.


I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but WHEN will the town start the Morrisville-Carpenter and Hwy 54 widening project? The road bond passed on election day, 2004 and that Wednesday I was on a lawn chair sipping tea in front of Ben's Bargain Barn waiting for the first concrete truck. Almost four years later, I haven't seen construction worker one.

I know, we had to coordinate with the railroad, and move Billy's Hartness' house first, but... four years? So I did some sleuthing. First, the Town didn't even sell the bond until September, 2007. Second, there's rumors that the money isn't there anymore -- that once they did some consulting work on the intersection, the rest of the $3 million went into the general fund and was subsequently spent on buying property.

Listen, if I sent my kid to the store with $3 million and let him buy a candy bar, I expect some change back.

The sleuthing will continue. I'll keep you posted. Don't go too far.

1 comment:

Laura Marsh said...

That is outrageous! If what you say is true, I expect someone should be going to court over this matter. But hey, I'm not surprised. NC is notorious for stealing from its own highway funds...Keep us posted, Lynn!!!