Monday, June 1, 2009

Free TV 101 - Part 2

Part 1 here

Anybody tired of seeing the advertisement from Time Warner: Home of free HD and in small letters, “with a digital tier service”? How many stations do you really watch? Even better question: have one of those DVR’s? What stations do you religiously DVR? I think you will be surprised to find you probably DVR the same channels week after week. There are exceptions, particularly if you’re heavily into sports and you may be surfing and see that one show you can’t live without. Then you will skim through it and toss it anyway. With several hundred channels it’s difficult to surf and not see something that strikes your fancy!

With cable at $100+ a month, I decided to see what’s available on the antenna for free. I went to a web site, I filled in the minimal data they requested—street address and zip. It then gave me the potential list of stations I could receive with the correct antenna. A very interesting site because it lets you look at all available stations including those that are not digital yet. For my location, it gave a mix of about twenty+ stations. This site also provides a street level view that shows the approximate location of the antennas. All had unique colors beside each station identified. I assume this indicates whether I can receive them or not. So looking at this list, I went from several hundred cable stations to only about 20 over-the-air stations (if I can receive them all). It’s kind of disappointing that I didn’t see a few of my favorites – Discovery – Green Network – DIY.

But there's light at the end of the tunnel. See you again tomorrow :-)

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