Friday, September 12, 2008

Coyotes of Morrisville

Hard to believe, but some neighbors said they've seen a coyote in the subdivision, and not the kind that dances on bars, the furry kind. Range maps show that coyotes don't habitat east of the Appalachians but, lo, if there wasn't an article on back in August that says coyote sitings are on the rise all over the state. They've even been spotted in downtown Raleigh.

Wikipedia says that coyotes will mate with domestic dogs, but I don't think that's what Princess and 100Percent dogs have to watch out for.

To scare off a coyote just make a lot of noise. Don't worry. I will.

Coyotes are a much worse problem in California where people feed them, making them unafraid of humans.


Anonymous said...

probably not unusual; construction has disrupted their habitat.
the boston bean

LG Mercer said...

Yup, lots of construction for miles around here.

Yasashiikuma said...

They need to put up signs to tell people that?

THAT is scarier than the coyotes!